Medicare Programme

Medicare options and supplements can often be confusing, especially if you have never gone through the process before. With that in mind,

We’ve broken down the costs, features, and deadlines for Medicare enrollment, and offer you an inside look at what Medicare is and the coverage it offers.

Final expanse

Cover expenses such as a funeral or memorial service

Final expense insurance is a whole-life policy that pays medical bills and funeral expenses when you die. It’s also known as burial or funeral insurance. It’s a popular choice among seniors.

people who are age 50 and older, often in poor health and on a strict budget

Affordable Care Act (ACA)


The Affordable Care Act mandates that health insurance companies are required to provide certain levels of coverage with every plan. When it was first implemented, it required Americans to carry health insurance just like they carry car insurance. However, as of 2019, health insurance is no longer required at the federal level. Some states may still require it, so it’s important to check what the current mandate is based on where you live.